Why Guardians Matter

By Attorney David Engler

At our affiliated company, eGuardianship.com, our clients who are guardians are people who take care of other people. There is no higher calling. The genesis of this profession can be found in the founding principle of every religion. And as our world moves us faster and faster and with greater and greater distance between us – technology can be part of the fabric that holds us together. It can be the means of communication that allows us to make sure our mother is getting the best care or that a veteran is sure to have a home. Reporting on visits or reporting to a court are all done with binary precision.

I have had this debate over many years with friends. Some believe that as the world ages we grow apart. They see the world as tribal warfare, disconnected crimes and people simply tuned out. I believe the opposite. If we can find more common languages, our world shrinks. Math is universal. It is the basis for technology. It allows the foundation of the explosion of social networking. It allows a guardian in Alaska to check the medical records of her ward in a flash who was treated in Texas. It allows this blog. Technology is a unifying force. And the people who are engaged in the most noble of professions will use it to bring their care closer to those who need it.

Attorney David Engler
Phone: 330-729-9777
http://www.DavidEngler.com Attorney Engler’s website
Areas of Practice: Family Law, Elder Law, Domestic Relations, Bankruptcy, Criminal

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